Life Is Short

We have always heard the phrase ‘life is short’ but it seems it’s getting even shorter and shorter in the world we live in today.
So far in 2016 we have suffered from the lost of Prince, Muhammad Ali, David Bowie, Kimbo Slice, Christina Grimmie, the victims from the Pulse Club shooting, 3 year old Lane Graves at Disney, Alton Sterling & Philando Castile (murdered by police), not to mention the terrorist attacks, bombings and mud slides and other world disasters this year. Writing this and researching theses lives lost adds weight to my heart and fills my eyes with tears.
We have always heard the phrase ‘life is short’ but it seems it’s getting even shorter and shorter in the world we live in today. Crying is a normal response to sadness, but it’s not the only one. Those who don’t cry may feel the pain just as deeply as others. They may simply have other ways of showing it.
Death has become a way of life and you have to expect more deaths when you take Life (Christ) out of the picture. When we take prayer out of the schools, we take away Life. When we work for Christ out of obligation and not for love, we take away Life. Plus Christianity today has faced substantial attacks from a wide array of political movements which also opens the doorway for more death and takes away Life. This world discredits Life, which activates more death both spiritually and physically. Then the lost lives angers man and causes him to question and blame Life for all the deaths. Wow! Not all deaths are a result of the Will of God.
When we were giving Dominion in Genesis 1:28, God delegated the all authority to mankind over this world. By doing so He has to give up his authority for man to have free will. As God’s image bearers in creation, we were intended to act as His representatives. So when God gave us the command to rule over the earth, the expectation was to do so in a way that reflected His character. But when man sinned, God put him under a curse and everything, including the earth, was affected. People may blame God but God is not the problem, it’s the creation reflecting the wrong image.